July CAAMP BONEFISH Solving Problems for Community Operations Betsy Barbieux
Please Join us for our July CAAMP event
Presented by Anchor Painting and Featuring our very special guest Betsy Barbieux
We will be meeting at
Bonefish Grill
795 E Merritt Island Cswy, Merritt Island, FL 32952
Wed. July 24th, 2019
Doors open at 11:00
Please arrive no later than 11:30 so we may expedite our lunch orders
We will start class at 11:45
Solving Problems for Community Operations
Resolving operational issues and problems consume most of the manager’s time. It certainly takes up most of the meeting agenda at board meetings. Having a strategy for problem solving will help ensure everyone involved is focused in the same direction, that issues are resolved equitably, and the parties involved receive appropriate communication as to the resolution of the issue. #9625899/classroom – 2/HR or 2/ELE or 2/OPP

Betsy Barbieux
Florida CAM School
Presented by